Monday, July 5, 2010

Duncan the Wonder Dog

Adhouse Books (Afrodisiac's publisher) has a new book ready for pre-orders from your local comic book store. It is called Duncan the Wonder Dog and it's written and drawn by Xeric Award-winning cartoonist, Adam Hines.

This is a large book (400 pages) and Adhouse has posted a nice chunk of it for preview reading. I thought the preview was great! So if you have a few minutes to waste at work or on the bus, give this a look!

And if you enjoy boxing (Raging Bull, George Bellows' boxing paintings, On the Waterfront, etc.), I think you'll love this preview.

George Bellows Stag at Sharky's (1909)

Here are book details:

What if animals could talk? Would some of them form a militant group in reaction to how humans treat them? Would humans treat them different? Come explore this dense tome of an alternate universe where the lavish renderings recall Dave McKean. 2009 Xeric winning Duncan the Wonder Dog WILL be one of the most talked about books of 2010.

4C cover
400 pages
8.5" x 11" SC
$24.95 US funds
ISBN 978-0-9770304-9-1
Shipping September 2010
Diamond order code: JUL10 0729

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